

Friday, October 20, 2023

Russia, China Unite Against US Empire — Dmitri Simes, Jr. interviews Michael Hudson

Transcript. Originally broadcast at New Rules on Rumble.

Naked Capitalism
Russia, China Unite Against US Empire
Dmitri Simes, Jr. interviews Michael Hudson


  1. I’ll read this article and come back to it, but real quick, I saw Yves Smith (Susan Weber) say this at the beginning: “I have not been able to independently verify it, but Alexander Mercouris reported that a key US ally in Syria, the Kurds, are siding with the Muslim world against Israel and its US/EU allies.”

    Reported? Where? Kurds and Israelis have been extremely tight since Israel was created in 1948. Any pro-Kurdish demonstration throughout the world always includes Israeli flags. ALWAYS. A pro-Kurdish rally is also a pro-Israel rally. Israel strongly supports an independent Kurdish state, and Israelis infest Kurdish Iraq. At least half of the oil that the Kurds extract from northern Iraq is sold to Israel (about 300,000 barrels a day).

    Most Kurds are Sunni Muslim, but a small percentage adhere to Zoroastrianism, and some to Yazidism, which is a kind of crypto-Zoroastrianism. Many Kurds in Iran follow Yarsanism. Not that this has any bearing on the Kurdish-Israeli love-fest. Kurds and Israelis love each other because both groups are slimy gangsters, and both are surrounded by people who don’t like them (with the Kurds this includes Arabs, Turks, and Iranians). Netanyahu stated that, “Israelis have a deep natural longstanding sympathy for the Kurds.”

  2. Kurds don't have their own state.
    How do you suppose they could attain statehood?
    By asking for a referendum on Kurdish independence?
    By singing Kumbaya?

    Why don't we cut the pretense and discuss how the usual (i.e. ugly) road to statehood involves violence and war.
