

Sunday, March 24, 2024

Climate Reparations, not "finance" — Fadhel Kaboub

A brief note on the EU, Egypt, Palestine, and Copenhagen

MMT's man on the ground in the Global South. 

Global South Perspectives—Reflections & Analysis by Fadhel Kaboub
Climate Reparations, not "finance"
Fadhel Kaboub, Associate Professor of economics at Denison University (on leave) and President of the Global Institute for Sustainable Prosperity. He currently serves as the Under-Secretary-General for Financing for Development at the Organisation of Educational Cooperation in Addis Ababa, Ethiopia. He also held a number of research affiliations with the Levy Economics Institute, the John F. Kennedy School of Government at Harvard University, the Economic Research Forum (Cairo), Power Shift Africa (Nairobi), and the Center for Strategic Studies on the Maghreb (Tunis). Fadhel is a Tunisian-American MMT economist. Ph.D. in Economics & Social Science Consortium, 2006, University of Missouri - Kansas City. M.A. in Economics, May 2001, University of Missouri - Kansas City. B.S. in Economics, June 1999, with Distinction


  1. Here's some climate "finance":

    Hopefully the IPCC / COP merry-go-round is reaching it's end. People's expectations will have to be lowered, especially in the global south. I expect Fadhel Kaboub to be ahead of the pack, because MMTers are focused on resource reality than the mainstream.

  2. Debunking Green Energy Myths w/Prof Simon Michaux

    A conversation that goes from reiterating problems into problem solving. Lo and behold, problem solving requires research.
