

Thursday, May 23, 2024

Nvidia now worth over $2.5 Trillion, more than the market cap of the entire German stock market

Perma bears are going to be FREAKING… OUT…



  1. Question :

    Is the markets taking the current geopolitical threats serious enough ?

    Just realised after watching the best discussion I've ever heard about the current situation that Glenn Diesen is the brains of the Duran team. Being allowed to talk without constant interruption from the chuckle brothers was enlightening.

    He still doesn't understand money though.

    The Dangerous Interregnum - Geoff Roberts, Glenn Diesen & Matthew Blackburn

    Nearly 2 hours, but what a round table discussion. 3 Academics getting very nervous.

  2. That’s more “doomsday!” thesis… things aren’t going these commie’s way… they hence feel alienated,,, this alienation produces a doomsday thesis… every time…

  3. Did you even listen to it ?

    Or just trying to bash me over the head with your own confirmation bias and ideology ?

    Geoff Roberts thesis is a positive one. Matthew Blackburn is hopeful and Glenn Diesen is worried because all he sees is doubling down.

    So actually nothing like your ( I love attaching labels to groups ) sugests. I mean even without listening to it. You had already convinced yourself your pre made labels would stick to any surface.

    It was an excellent discussion free from American hubris. You could actually learn a lot from it. I know I certainly did.

    Then take away stuff you didn't know about and after thinking about it, make your own mind up. Is how these debates work Matt.

    And yes they spent time talking about your God Trump. So that you wouldn't be disappointed.

  4. Start off with the assumption - A Scotsman, Englishman and Norwegian walks into a bar.

    You'll probably enjoy it by dropping the labels you have for just about anyone.

  5. Causal explanations are not a debate…

  6. Causal explanations are not a debate…

    They have another doomsday theory just like any of the others…

    Cognitive scientists have shown the doomsday theories are a result of alienation…

    So these guys have a highly minority extremely rare political preference which nobody else believes which makes them feel alienation then they come up with some doomsday theory …

    It’s textbook human behavior…

    This is not a debate it’s a causal explanation …

    I’m Telling you what is happening…

  7. I don’t have an Art Degree I have a Science degree …

    We don’t debate we provide causal explanations..

  8. Over $3T now. Soon to exceed the GDP of California.
