

Thursday, June 27, 2024

Dems warn Trump could “stoke inflation!”…


Dems doubling down on their current moron monetarist thesis that a plurality of voters will prefer the current regressive high interest rate policy over some other less regressive Trump fiscal/monetary policy…


  1. UK is The very same.

    The OBR and the IFS along with the BOE ( all unelected of course ) are rolled out as judge and jury and play the role of Brussels within the UK itself. Is it fully costed, how are you going to pay for it, ran out of money and taxes will have to rise mantra. As IF the UK uses the Euro and not the £.

    The whole idea of course Is no matter who the electorate vote for, the OBR and IFS can run the country by proxy. All supported by the mainstream media of course.

    For it to work and for it to be successful the media has to keep the voter stupid. They need the leaders of each political party to play the tax payer money game, the deficit game and the debt game. Then the OBR and IFS can be rolled out as judge and jury and eat them all for breakfast.

    This strategy the world over Is the corner stone, the key stone of the US rules based order. The US empire.

    Remember Simon Wren Lewis piece in the Guardian in 2019. There will be no money left after Brexit. That is OBR , IFS propaganda par excellence and what is played out over every election cycle. You switch your TV on it is there, you switch your radio on it is there, every newspaper you pick up it is there. Whoever wins the election is told It has no money to do anything.

    It is a full on assault on British democracy Brussels style. The fall back position, the second layer of defence after Brexit. To ensure nothing changes and that the UK remains true to the US rules based order. It is all about geopolitics.

    Mark my words, even though the voters are told there is no money no matter who wins the election. As soon as the election is over, magically produced £ billions will be given to Israel and Ukraine. Without - Is it fully costed, how are you going to pay for it, ran out of money and taxes will have to rise mantra never spoken again until the next election or budget.

    It is a geopolitical 3 card monte card trick. Fully supported by the media. Who are owned and run by the US rules based order.

  2. The Tories can’t offer tax cuts – there will be no money left after Brexit Nov 2019.

    Yet, trillions were spent on the virus, the supply side constraints and war. A few months after that propaganda piece. Universities are infested with it.

    Now we are in an election cycle in the UK. The voter cannot connect the dots. Dumb as a bag of spanners.

    I spent a week in France and now in Spain. The world media are programmed to repeat the propaganda ad nasuem. In every paper and On every TV station. It is a co - ordinated attack on democracy. They are all reading from the same script and singing off the same song sheet.

    It is manufacturing consent. It is all geopolitics ever since the fall of the Berlin wall. When overnight they changed their official money story.

    My wife is German and she says the French and Spanish are preaching Schwarze null.

    Call it neoliberalism, call it globalism, call it whatever you like. I prefer the US rules based order of American imperialism.

    Western Dominance is at stake. All cooked up by the Chicago School and rolled out by the CIA and the Pentagon. The marketing managers of Davos, the IMF and world bank. The bank of international settlements who hand pick the faces of lies. Mongering is a geopolitical project.

  3. * Monetarism " Is a geopolitical project.

  4. That’s all conspiracy theory Derek…

    It’s like the MMT people … you all are “punching down”….

  5. Nope, come live through an election cycle in the UK the political strategy is as clear as the sun in the sky.

    It is more factual than saying they are all dumb. They haven't a clue how money works after running treasuries and central banks for hundreds of years. That it was pure luck the way they set up the Euro and the French CFA Franc. To do exactly what they wanted them to do. Or that it was pure luck the way the British set up their foreign monetary systems in Africa and the US during the times of Empire.

    Human History shows money has always been used as a geopolitical tool.Conspiracy doesn't even come into it as it is merely a fact. Take a walk through any museum in the world and read the coins. The coins tell you the EXACT history of the country you are standing in.

  6. Title of a book I would love to write.

    "Scottish independence within the US rules based order"

    Fuck, it practically writes itself on how it is an impossible geopolitical concept. Makes a mockery of the English language and what the word independent would mean under those circumstances. Under the rules of US empire.

  7. They had to come up with a way that no matter who wins elections nothing changes. The fights would be over identity politics and other such nonsense. That political parties were just used to park the sheep in containment vessels of popular discontent.

    I believe since the late 70's. What we have all witnessed and lived under is that structure being erected and put in place. I also believe, like thousands of years of history clearly shows that money and the economic departments of the ruling empire designed it. That the media are the marketing managers and advertising agencies that tries to ensure it stays in place.

    Which is nothing new at all. It has always been that way, from stories being passed down through families, from clay tablets, to papyrus paper, to the bible, to the printing press, to the radio, to the TV, to the internet. Managing consent has always been the way of things.

  8. If you have grand designs on empire and to rule the world a structure like this has to be put in place. Every Empire has erected and built a structure to capture revolt and to prevent the the status quo they created from change.

    That is until bigger countries come along or smaller countries unite and come together and shout NO !

    Which I also believe we are living through right now as we speak. US empire and the US rules based order will probably not make it to a 100 years of existence. The fall of The Berlin wall was what 1989 ? we are now in 2024.

    35 years it will be lucky to reach its 50th birthday. Too much death, too much slaughter, too much hubris, too much acting like the British.

  9. After last night, The American Empire looks like the Soviet one after they backed Chernenko.

  10. Someone hand Trump an iron poker so he can do some proper stoking.



  12. Biden is suffering cognitive decline?
    Who knew??
    Who knew???

  13. In 2018, when Trump started putting tariffs on China, I said it would be inflationary. No one said anything about this. Actually, the current inflation impetus can be traced back to that period. Now, the Biden campaign is using it, and what's so hypocritical about this is that Biden kept the Trump tariffs in place.
