

Friday, July 19, 2024

UK MMT Conference 2024 – Slides available for download

Download PDF's of slide sets from the presentations at the recent UK MMT conference.

The Gower Initiative for Modern Money Studies
UK MMT Conference 2024 – Slides

See also

The National (Scotland)
Scotland needs its own currency ASAP after indy, say top economists


  1. The article in the national shows the disconnect.

    95% of the Scotonomics crowd are the EU uber alles brigade. After winning independence from London who starve Scotland of funds, they are delighted to hand the hard win sovereignty to Brussels who will starve them of funds, regardless what currency you use.

    They are not clever they are as dumb as bag of spanners. Like Murphy, they think several of them can turn up at Brussels knock on the door and convince 20 odd other states and Washington that they can change the US rules based order. They'll be laughed at and marginalised and told to go and concentrate on identity politics and the other small things they can change after throwing away their sovereignty.

    They simply can't see it. It's Trump supporter syndrome and the appeal to a higher god that will save them.

  2. Ever think there just might simply be a vocal minority of UK people in Scotland who disagree with UK policy to not synthesize with the whole EU thing? And leave it at that?

    Instead of all this drama and conspiracy theory you want to depict?

  3. With a PR voting system that they all adore by the way. That was put in place to stop the SNP from ever getting a majority. Once they are in and given away their sovereignty to Brussels they'll never be able to get out.

    Of course why PR was implemented all across Europe by their masters.

    That is what happened in EVERY election to the Scottish Parliament since it was created, other than by ONE extreme fluke chance, in 2011 a single Party, the SNP won a ONE seat majority. Experts agree it was a fluke and the chances of it ever happening again, other than through winning virtually every constituency seat,

  4. Ever think there just might simply be a vocal minority of UK people in Scotland who disagree with UK policy to not synthesize with the whole EU thing? And leave it at that?

    Of course, as we have seen all across Europe they just move to the far right.

  5. International Socialists are the useful fools of global capitalists. Both are all in on the One Nation worldwide project.

    Unfortunately they are stuck, because we know where National Socialism leads.

    The liberal elites bind to each other, not to the people who have come together to live in a country.

  6. “ Of course, as we have seen all across Europe they just move to the far right.”

    No they dont the right is for continued independence… at least in US it is…

  7. There was all this hype and expectation about France moving to the right and what happened? The left won big. Same in the U.K. Europe is finished. Too many Muslims, and they ain't gonna vote for the right, nationalists, etc. It's OVER.

  8. Ever think there just might simply be a vocal minority of UK people in Scotland who disagree with UK policy to not synthesize with the whole EU thing? And leave it at that?

    Minority being the key word here. Yet, bigger than it was before. It isn't over, no where near over, as the minority is growing every year.

    If you analyse the French vote the left didn't win big at all. Many different parties came together to stop le pen. Including the liberals. Which has been a strategy across Europe for a while now.

    They will fuck it up in France just like Labour will in the UK.

    The Centrist Resurgence is Already Dead

    More and more voters will keep moving to the right wing populists because unlike France they don't have a left they can vote for.

    My own personal view is what we are witnessing is a rush to "technopopulism ". We should be wary of simplistically pitting technocracy and popu­lism against each other, however: in fact they feed off each other, and not only that. As Christopher J. Bickerton and Carlo Invernizzi Ac­cetti argue in a fascinating new book, “there is also an important dimension of affinity—and indeed complementarity—between popu­lism and technocracy, which implies that they can go hand in hand and be combined with one another.” Bickerton and Acetti suggest the notion of technopopulism as “the new structuring logic of contemporary democratic politics”—one that combines populist claims to represent “the people” as a whole and technocratic claims to possess the necessary competence for translating its will into policy. Biden’s mixture of technocratic expertise and MAGA-like “buy American” rhetoric is a telling example. In many ways, technopopulism exemplifies the contemporary crisis of democracy: on the one hand, it feeds on a widespread sense of dissatisfaction with the quality of democratic representation; on the other, by widening the existing chasm be­tween society and politics, it further exacerbates that sense of dis­satisfaction, in a dangerous feedback loop.

    If you listen to every Steve Bannon speech during his tour across Europe and his plans for America, technopopulism is at the heart of it. Technocratic government and institutions pushing a populist agenda. Just listen to his latest interview with NBC two weeks ago were he calls Trump a moderate within the MAGA movement and what the future plans are for MAGA after Trump is gone.

    Listen to any right wing populist and technopopulism is what they are selling. Parts of it will attract some of the left.

    No Mike, this is not over it is just beginning. The only thing that might save the centrists at this point is if Trump stops the wars in Ukraine and Gaza. Ironically Trump might save the centrists from themselves.

    Farage is selling technopopulism, technocratic government and changing the structure of government and institutions while pushing a populist agenda. When Labour fuck it all up with their neoliberal agenda. Farage will fill the void.

    Labour don't even recognise they are in the last chance saloon to save themselves from oblivion. Their manifesto proves it. As they desperately tinker at the edges of neoliberalism trying to fool the public that they are implementing change. Well the public won't fall for it. Labour are running to the same destination as the Tories and the Democrats An electoral wipeout.

    The Westminster bubble of the one party nation state simply can"t see it. In the same way they never predicted the complete collapse of the Tory party.

    The problem with technopopulism even though it is appealing to those on the left and right fringes, is that it is one very small step away from outright Fascism.

  9. In US all the billionaire tech bros are now rushing in to support Trump…

    Going to leave Dems with penniless climate nutters and millionaire gender benders…

    Looks like Trump going to win the financial battle…

    But still very fluid situation ..

  10. Globalism is on its way out. We're returning to the past, with more protectionism, isolationism and local production of goods.

    Democracy without an educated electorate is a farce. Not much change in that area.

  11. Matt,

    Trump is dividing America’s oligarchs

    Which highlights what you are saying.

    My take on that is what you will call a conspiracy theory. Ever since the fall of of the Berlin wall when they stopped taxing wealth and allowed this oligarchy to flourish. Their original plan was to unleash this billionaire army to take over Eastern Europe and Russia and Asia after they had carved it all up with their Western allies.

    They never thought for one minute they would fail and that this billionaire army would then turn inward and carve America up for themselves.

  12. I think perhaps the billionaires don’t like the way Democrats have weaponized parts of the justice system (mainly the state of NY) and the chancery court in Delaware…

    They are moving registration and operations to either Texas or Florida…

    Look for stock and commodity exchanges to move to a red state eventually…

    Dems have teacher Union females, infanticide people, climate nutters and gender benders.. these people don’t have the most munnie..

    If Trump wins he will have a policy where US doesn’t meddle as much in foreign affairs militarily and will have an aggressive trade policy towards EU and the ROW.,,
