Monday, April 4, 2011

Someone tell the AMA that climate change is a hoax (not!)

"The shift in the planet's climate is affecting the health of patients -- and physicians are starting to see the results."

"The report notes that “Climate change will have devastating consequences for human health from”:

changing patterns of infections and insect-borne diseases, and increased deaths due to heat waves
reduced water and food security, leading to malnutrition and diarrhoeal disease
an increase in the frequency and magnitude of extreme climate events (hurricanes, cyclones, storm surges) causing flooding and direct injury
increasing vulnerability for those living in urban slums and where shelter and human settlements are poor
large scale population migration and the likelihood of civil unrest."


googleheim said...

first of all this does not differentiate between local pollution and global consequences.

second, what does this have to do with MMT other than counter today's Krugman focus on climate change.

third, you cannot tell London financial district that climate change is a hoax, because they are already devising the next CDO swaps based not on house prices and mortgages but on carbon credits.

That's why Lauffer is vehemently against carbon crediting but at the same time allocating tons of money supposedly to buying timberland in Kentucky. He's even counting on carbon credit exchanges in the future, or at least high wood prices keepin up with inflation.

Tom Hickey said...

"what does this have to do with MMT other than counter today's Krugman focus on climate change."

MMT is about availability of real resources, which involves sustainable growth, negative externality, standard of living, etc.

Climate change is affecting this profoundly. Economically, it is a negative externality that is being socialized. More seriously, it is a challenge to environmental sustainability that economic policy can ignored.

The AMA and Lancet taking effects of climate change as real is further testimony that the consequences are already upon us and must be recognized and addressed through policy.

googleheim said...


Joe said...

The man-made global warming thesis is a proven hoax, I'm still not sure why you mentioned it. Enormous resources have been devoted to prove man's impact on global warming and the best these "scientists" can come up with is forged evidence. Is the climate changing? of course it is, it is always in flux. But society will always adapt.

I'm not trying to get into a global warming debate, but this is a pretty provocative and political post.

Tom Hickey said...

Joe, take it up with the AMA and The Lancet. :)