Monday, January 23, 2012

Joe Firestone — The Job Guarantee and the MMT Core: Part Fourteen, MMT Is A Holistic Knowledge Claim Network

Read it at Daily Kos — Money and Public Purpose
The Job Guarantee and the MMT Core: Part Fourteen, MMT Is A Holistic Knowledge Claim Network
by Joe (Letsgetitdone) Firestone


marris said...

I don't know about the rest of you, but IMHO each post in this series is veering increasingly off the rails.

Suppose you tell me that A and B are separate concepts. I can't refute this by writing a turgid article about how warm and fuzzy I feel whenever I think of A and B together, or how hanging out with A-lovers helped me meet a lot of B-lovers, or how 'A' and 'B' are near each other in the alphabet, etc.

These posts at Daily Kos are not arguments. They're just verbose messes.

Letsgetitdone said...

Well, marris, how about some examples and less labeling. I know you'd have to make "a verbose mess" to do that, but maybe you'd get closer to the truth of the matter.