Monday, January 23, 2012

John T. Harvey — What Obama Should Say (But Won't)

We are in serious economic straits and President Obama is getting part of the story right. The part that he isn’t, however, has the capacity to sink us all on its own. I’m afraid to listen tomorrow night because I know that any positives he offers will be offset by his voluntary handcuffing of our ability to stimulate growth and employment…and we won’t get his desired shift towards the middle class and middle class values if we continue to have over ten million unemployed citizens.
Read it at Forbes | Leadership
What Obama Should Say (But Won't)
by John T. Harvey


widmerpool said...

I don't know if Harvey is completely on board with MMT but he is my favorite explicator of economics.

I still think Obama is politically constrained by what he can say aloud. He would be labelled a spendthrift if he didn't echo all the Peter Person nonsense.

Tom Hickey said...

As I understand it, John is a close friend of Randy Wray and on board with MMT. However, he is in a different field of specialty.

John Harvey said...

Thanks, Widwmer, and my apologies for not understanding your comment on!

Howdy, all! MMT is just a subset of Post Keynesian economics, and I am most assuredly the latter. But, as Tom points out, the overwhelming majority of my research has been in a different area (more specifically, exchange rate determination). I leave the macro to Randy!