Tuesday, March 6, 2012

beowulf — Why I Voted for Ron Paul

A lawyer explains why he voted fro Ron Paul in the GOP primary.

Read it at Modern Monetary Realism
Why I Voted for Ron Paul
by beowulf


Anonymous said...

I'm steering clear of MMR.com from now on. Everything CR says irritates me. Beowulf and Sankowski are OK tho.

Matt Franko said...


imo Cullen is still a bit pissed off...


Ryan Harris said...

Enjoy the ideas despite the egos and the people attached to them!

Matt Franko said...

Hey wait a minute.... I may be slow but is our Tomato Basil now Ryan Harris????? ;)

reslez said...

imo Cullen is still a bit pissed off...

Definitely agree there. He did an interview on CNBC Radio recently where he ignored several opportunities to explain some pretty basic fundamentals of MMT/MMR ("the government can't go bankrupt") and instead lunged at the chance to disparage the JG.

Wonder if he's at the point where it's impossible for him to ever change his mind.