Sunday, May 20, 2012

Can we vote based on Romney's touted "ability to get things done?"

Depends on what he proposes to get done.

"Romney has embraced the budget blueprint put forward by House Budget Committee Chairman Paul Ryan (R-Wis.)"
... he touts the Deficit Clock at his campaign stops;
... he will lower the fiat deficit by cutting fiat taxes & cutting fiat spending more (or so he says)

Either you believe a politcian ... or you don't. If we're gonna vote based on what we imagine they'll do, & not based on what they say ... then why bother voting at all?

If that's the case, then just imagine you voted. Then imagine your imaginary candidate will deliver what you imagine. Then imagine it'll all work out.  Then imagine we still have democracy.

But imagine there's many a slip 'twixt the tongue & the Party Whip? I don't want to imagine that, and we don't have to ... it's already happening.

Do you imagine Obama is any different?  Less screwy & more disciplined "conservatives", vs more screwy & less disciplined "liberals".  Are those really our only only options?  They're two variants of the same, 1% menu.

Can you imagine what would happen if we explored some other options?  It's not too late.  Boycott both political parties?

Imagine what would happen if a vast majority of US voters wrote in candidates outside the single-payer, 2-party system.  What would the Electoral College do if neither the GOP or Dem candidate received one, single legitimate vote?  Flunk 'em? Or us?  How Diebold are they willing to be?

That's something I'm enjoying imagining.  Maybe I'll vote on it.

1 comment:

dave said...

since we are in imaginary land, imagine mosler for prez, or jill stein. would be nice if the people were to reject the same old replayed bullshit. pipe dream though