Monday, May 7, 2012

Nick Rowe — Identity Economics

Nick riffs on Y = C + I + G + (X-M) and MV = PY (or PT).

Read it at Worthwhile Canadian Initiative
Identity Economics
by Nick Rowe | Associate Professor, Carleton Unversity

1 comment:

OhMy said...

I posted that at Nick's:

Another crucial difference between Y=C+I+G+NX and MV=PY is that in the former all quantities are *independently measurable*. MV=PY is a *definition* of v, nothing more. The only thing you could use it for is to measure v, which is useless because v doesn't plug into any other equation. If v was stable, you could maybe use it in the very same equation for a different point of time, different economy etc., but since it is not, you just stop. That is, unless you are an economist.