Saturday, May 19, 2012

Recent History of the Two-Party Vote

This is a fascinating video, from historical maps.

It shows that honesty, liberalism, conservatism, logic, fraud, graft, corruption & leadership all migrate independently back & forth between political parties subject to takeover by frauds misrepresenting reality to a constantly confused electorate.

So how DOES any rapidly growing aggregate stay up to date with options that scale exponentially faster than population growth alone?



Trixie said...

"So how DOES any rapidly growing aggregate stay up to date with options that scale exponentially faster than population growth alone?"

As citizens, you allow Congress to actually *legalize* propaganda to use against yourself. It's hard to distinguish satire from reality anymore:

Roger Erickson said...

wow, thanks for that info Trixie;

I'll have to extend my mantra

1) population scales inevitably;
2) inter-dependencies scale exponentially
3) cost-of-coordination also scales exponentially
4) only thing that scales faster than cost-of-coordination, is return-on-coordination [lucky for us]
5) distributed ignorance scales neck & neck with return-on-coordination [crap!]