Thursday, May 17, 2012

Tim Duy — Closer to Colliding

If Europe caves and gives in to Greek demands, however, a new set of challenges to the austerity agenda will arise. How long would it be before the people of Spain or Italy or Portugal or Ireland realize that they too have much more leverage than they ever imagined. Can the Troika cave to Greece while remaining credible with other troubled economies? I doubt it - which I think increases the risk that the core of Europe will believe it necessary to create a moral hazard example out of Greece.

Of course, this worked so well with Lehman Brothers. We will just foget about that little detail for the moment.
Read it at Tim Duy's Fed Watch
Closer to Colliding
by Tim Duy

Is Greece Europe's Lehman, or the contemporary rendition of Credit Anstalt?


Trixie said...

I worry that there is so much pent-up anxiety, resentment, and anger, that a Grexit really could be the tipping point. Even with everything we've already been through. People are on the edge, if they've not already fallen off. The actual "exit" of Greece may be irrelevant to what could unfold.

PS. What's with the 'Defund Planned Parenthood' petition here? (See above, I've one of them)

Matt Franko said...


I believe that is google doing that.

This looks like how their system works, whatever you have been doing on your computer generates the injected ads...

for instance earlier this spring I was onlne shopping for baseball equipment then for weeks I was getting ads injected for sporting goods websites, etc...

But you point out a flaw in this whole "online" ad market.

You are getting solicited for something you would NEVER do... like I get "Ron Paul" ads soliciting donations for that moron who I would not give 1 cent to, and the Ron Paul people pay for those ads.

They think they are getting leads but I think what you point out here the leads are not really well qualified....


Trixie said...

Got it Matt, thanks. Must be Google AdSense, the anti-advertiser. Never even noticed an ad there before.