Thursday, February 14, 2013

Joe Romm — Arctic Death Spiral Bombshell: CryoSat-2 Confirms Sea Ice Volume Has Collapsed

Climate Progress
Arctic Death Spiral Bombshell: CryoSat-2 Confirms Sea Ice Volume Has Collapsed
Joe Romm

1 comment:

Bob said...

Excellent scary article but it is true, too many combustion engines exhausts, and thermal heat sinks into the blue planet environment. Granted Volcanoes do their share too but, over a long enough time of exhausting into the air and deforestation is taking its toll too. The I II and III laws of thermodynamics never lie. I work on the ocean my whole life as a merchant engineer. A few months ago off of LA, El Segundo the locals were dumbfounded with the millions of humbolt squid that showed up their. Maybe no connection, but I think everything and everyone is connected to this environment, from the smog plaqued China to Chernoble, fallout of nuclear waste from Nuke Plants to the cold war etc. My biggest worry after reading this article is the density of the sea water changing. Most suredly all this fresh water will change the density just enough to upset the Gulf Stream circulation. If the Gulf Stream slows down enough, game over for the US, I refer you to one measely Hurricane Katrina. Imagine if the water circulation of the Gulf of Mexico and the Gulf stream slowed and or stopped? This can happen in the blink of an eye as viewed by humans comparing to hundreds of years view. Maybe the Mayan calender is predicting the start of the end and not the end.
I do not have my tin foil hat on yet (to prevent the aliens from reading my mind - movie Signs),but if the ocean circulations are upset you can kiss the gulf stream off the East Coast good bye, which in turn will mess up the Gulf of Mexico. Truly we are screwed. Maybe we deserve to go the way of the Dinosaur, although I would suspect the Dinosaurs were innocent, we are not. For those special interest groups who oppose taking action to deal with the melting caps, I refer you to to the following quote:
"All truths pass thru three stages:
First it is ridiculed.
Second it is violently opposed.
Third it is accepted as being self evident.
Arthur Schopenhaur"

The best way to effect change is to value countries,assets, businesses,companies and peoples worth to society based on how effective they balance the use any surplus they have accumulated due to thier efforts How well do they reinvest the surplus back into growth of thier business, and or using the surplus for prosperity. The value system for judging this effectiveness should be based on the good or bad effect on the environment (includes the welfare of the general public and rivers, air, plants, animals etc) also the responsible management of dividing up the surplus between growing the company that created the surplus and giving surplus to reward those who created surplus. Wall Street Elected and non elected gubbament employess, and the Central Banks reward those who grow at any cost, or increase the position of the elites who control the currency. This system is reaching critical mass very soon. I just saw an example of millionaires in denial on CNBC. Maria Barteroma had some pundit talking about how millionaires feel about the economy. Who the hell gives a shit when the polar caps are melting. The people in power are in denial just like the republicans were in the last election. Change is coming and these powerfull privleged should wake up. The day of growth at any cost is ending. We must change what and how we value things, before placing monetary worth to them. It may already be too late. I hope not!