Monday, February 11, 2013

Robert Oak — Corrupt Consumer Credit Scoring Exposed

Credit reports control way too much of an individuals life. A bad credit score can deny someone a job, never mind a credit card and a mortgage. The four billion dollar a year consumer credit rating industry has way too much power and almost no accountability. They would rather be sued repeatedly and lose than set up a system to actually repair inaccurate credit scores.
 The FTC has a new study which shows 1 in 5 credit reports is chock full of errors. That's 20% of Americans with gross errors on their credit report with 10% of Americans having their credit score lowered as a result. While the FTC claims 10% of people succeed in getting bad information off their credit reports, CBS 60 Minutes found something different. The credit reporting bureaus won't fix the errors.
The Economic Populist
Corrupt Consumer Credit Scoring Exposed
Robert Oak

Bad as the rating agencies.

1 comment:

Roger Erickson said...

Bad as the rating agencies? I thought they were co-owned?