Sunday, April 21, 2013

At Least State Currency Advocates don't Ingest it...

At least we don't do this:

As opposed to the metal people who can order this off a menu:

"Yes waiter, I'll have the petite tomato salad sprinkled with actual gold flakes!...

Yes, excellent choice sir... would you like an aperitif before your salad?

Oh, yes good idea... Goldwasser martini, 22 karat... shaken not stirred....

Coming right up sir...."

Metal people: Our research here at MNE indicates that gold might be ok for now... but whatever you do suggest take it reeeeeaaally easy on the silver!


Unknown said...

Goldbuggery/ gold-munching enthusiasts would no doubt scour their faeces for the flakes... hopefully not so as to re-ingest them though.

Andy Blatchford said...

Must have cheese and bacon with my fiat burger.