Saturday, April 6, 2013

Daniel Becker — Three guesses on where chaining the CPI came from

I would say the fix was in. It has just been a matter of time and timing as to when the final promise made in the Contract with America would find its way into policy. The Democrats implemented the welfare the Republicans wanted and now they are going to give them the Social Security. All of it can be summed up in the Contract ultimate goal: An amendment to the Constitution that would require a balanced budget unless sanctioned by a three-fifths vote in both houses of Congress...
What we have been living with Obama is very clear now. There is only the conservative ideology in play within our government. It's just a matter of degree and time in setting up the play as to when a given policy will be implemented to achieve another phase of the goal. Right now, it looks pretty much like the official implementation of chained CPI pretty much puts the final cog in the conservative economic machine of social order.

I asked in 2008 if Obama's appointment of Jason Furman was a qid pro quo for the DLC/Clinton et al keeping the money issues while Obama gets to be president. We have our answer for sure. There is no need to ask anymore as to the reasoning behind the policies and offers in negotiations that is Obama. It is what he wants. We are living the continual implementation of the conservative economic and thus social ideology that came in with Reagan and fully came out with Gingrich and The Contract with America.

And that my dear readers is where the idea for chaining the CPI came from; yesterday and today. 
It is not just the pain that will be experienced by all of us (you'll get old too) with the chained CPI, it is the fact that voting away from conservative economics has not lead us away from conservative economics since Reagan. Regardless of the party of the president or the majority of congress, the nation has not been able to achieve an ideological shift. That is a true signal of a problem with our form of democracy.
Angry Bear
Three guesses on where chaining the CPI came from
Daniel Becker

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