Monday, April 22, 2013

Fiat Fiscal Policy, and Spread Stance Errors

Commentary by Roger Erickson

This just in from "The Rutabega."

Congress to illustrate ongoing details of an inept Deficit Terrorist plot against themselves and nation - on CSPAN live.

Simpson & Bowles were caught trying to shoot themselves - & the entire nation - in the foot. They're attributing it all to a spread stance error.

It's one in a bizarre if comical series affectionately called the "Keystone Kleptocrats." Unfortunately, it's not a Silent Movie, and the sounds are terrible - as bad as their visuals for the country.

Critics deadpan that Simpson & Bowles bring new meaning to the phrase "Take 87" since that's apparently how many years between them that these two have been personally profiting from the public "teat" which they claim they want to downsize. Since their personal efforts haven't drained it ... they argue it will help if everyone else stops while they keep trying harder.  ???  Apparently that giant sucking sound isn't from NAFTA and Mexico. It's all the intelligence and Situational Awareness leaving DC for Wall St, leaving HONESTY closeted in a neglected hostage situation.

They do try to leave the audience hanging, but more and more are declining to cooperate.

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