Thursday, April 11, 2013

Klint Finley — Mathematicians Predict the Future With Data From the Past

In Isaac Asimov’s classic science fiction saga Foundation, mathematics professor Hari Seldon predicts the future using what he calls psychohistory. Drawing on mathematical models that describe what happened in the past, he anticipates what will happen next, including the fall of the Galactic Empire.
That may seem like fanciful stuff. But Peter Turchin is turning himself into a real-life Hari Seldon — and he’s not alone.
Turchin — a professor at the University of Connecticut — is the driving force behind a field called “cliodynamics,” where scientists and mathematicians analyze history in the hopes of finding patterns they can then use to predict the future. It’s named after Clio, the Greek muse of history.
These academics have the same goals as other historians — “We start with questions that historians have asked for all of history,” Turchin says. “For example: Why do civilizations collapse?” — but they seek to answer these questions quite differently. They use math rather than mere language, and according to Turchin, the prognosis isn’t that far removed from the empire-crushing predictions laid down by Hari Seldon in the Foundation saga. Unless something changes, he says, we’re due for a wave of widespread violence in about 2020, including riots and terrorism.
Mathematicians Predict the Future With Data From the Past
Klint Finley
(h/t Kevin Fathi via email)


Matt Franko said...

Humans can predict a lot of their future by just writing down what they plan to do.... no?


Matt Franko said...

Here's what our morons on Team D are "predicting" about their future going into their negotiations with the even bigger morons on Team R:

It ain't like the weather folks...

Anonymous said...

Kondratieff, anyone?

WillORNG said...

This was an interesting study puclic spending/social unrest Europe 1919-2009, I think Bill Mitchell referenced it in a post too.

Andy Blatchford said...

Shame completely missed the point of or hasnt read the whole of the foundation series. The Mule come along and messed it up, in foundations edge and foundation and Earth turns out that humanity were being manipulated to fit psychohistory not vice versa.

Magpie said...
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Magpie said...

Paraphrasing Zoolander, unless you are really, really, ridiculously wealthy, you certainly can see the future:

Nine Inch Nails - Every Day Is Exactly The Same

And that may be the bright side of it.