Sunday, April 14, 2013

Lithuanians Already Declaring a Failed State

Commentary by Roger Erickson
   (hat tip Vytautas Vakrina)

Failed state

(The following is verbatim, via Google Translation, from the original Lithuanian.)

There are days when I do not want to wake up in the morning, and not because it's cold, that did not come spring, but because they wake up to the reality, which is not yet formally called Lithuania, go out into the street to watch their countrymen in the eye and smile is just a shame.

It felt nasty after January 13th storming of the night later - last year on May 17 in the morning and now. On the 14th morning kukčiojau curled in bed, but not with shame, but just from the physical maudulio and despair that the invader again robbed us again occupied and that our hope of independence seemed to be postponed for many years, maybe forever. After the coup, the recognition of the Soviet military withdrawal and a lot lighter illusions that the crane of Bronze Lenin Square Lukiskes she pulled forever. Eventually the mist began to dissipate illusions when your daily life started to see more and more sovietizmo characters. I loved to joke that Lukiskes Square had to leave the pedestal of Lenin with legs torn off, to remind, that he never left. Remained loyal army of prosecutors, judges, KGBists and their descendants, functionaries, persidažiusių communists and fighters sušokusių to manage systemic forever inbox parties remained crippled serfs, sycophants caste primintom uodegom and disappointing that we naively believed them.

This is what is happening in the State is no longer any quiet creeping coup, and the surest state of collapse, and this is not some paranoid hyperbole. When redialing a legal no man's government removed her shoes in the nation's elected parliament, and the parliament is trying to clean his shoes in the nation, playing that nothing extraordinary happens, I want a wolf howl Tombovo voice. The sad fact is that only a mask and remains, because the public no longer has any power tool before operating on behalf of a cynical mob. Polls family shows that are not in the highest state authority or position, still less opposition. The newly elected Seimas curved Slave began to join the "loyalty oath" group, whose founders, it seems, did not the system, and they despise the people, fighting with law enforcement arbitrariness and SSI - Vitaly Influence Paul Urbšys. Decent people who made them hopeful, but voting in the Parliament for the Neringa Venckienė the indemnity withdrawal, they buried all hope and confidence that "loyalty oath" group. In fact, N. Venckienė here had nothing to do at all. It has some of whom might like or dislike. The vote was not at all on N. Venckienė, while the Attorney General mockery of parliamentary and constitutional framework, which explicitly stated that it is not the SSD and not the Attorney General Darius clean is the highest Lithuanian government. The fifth article of the Constitution without reservation said, "in Lithuania, the Seimas, the President of the Republic and the Government, and the Judiciary."

In an interview P. portal Urbšys said:

"This family appeared parliamentary group for the loyalty oath, which involved 10 parliamentarians from several parliamentary groups, but, I believe, in the future it will become more and really influential because I feel that not only the people beyond the borders of Parliament, but the majority of MPs unhappy in what is now turned into the most important political institutions. True, I would like to point out that when we talk about oath to the state, can not be confined to members of Parliament. President, Prime Minister, ministers and representatives of other institutions take an oath to the state. So, people who are bound by an oath, there are quite a lot and I have no doubt if they have much more seriously begin to understand every word of his oath, if honor, decency, they would become the backbone of the daily work, I am convinced that the country is very much started to change. However, I realize that here we have a long and difficult road."

I have to remind the oath:
I, (name),
I swear to be faithful to the Republic of Lithuania;
I swear to respect and observe the Constitution and laws & protect the integrity of its lands;
I swear to do everything possible to strengthen Lithuanian independence, integrity, serve the motherland, democracy, & Lithuanian people's well-being.
   So help me God!

Allowed to take the oath and without the last sentence.

That is, the Anti-Corruption Commission President Vitaly Gail and St. Paul Deputy Urbs. Sadly, too heavy for the exam.

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