Thursday, April 18, 2013

Lynn Stuart Parramore — Meet the 28-year-old Student Who Exposed Two Harvard Professors Whose Shoddy Research Drove Global Austerity

Marshall Auerback gets a shout out for being one of the first to call out R & R, along with INET's Thomas Ferguson and Robert Johnson.


Meet the 28-year-old Student Who Exposed Two Harvard Professors Whose Shoddy Research Drove Global Austerity
Lynn Stuart Parramore


Matt Franko said...


R&R are both ON the INET Committee...

So please explain to me Johnson's logic where he challenges their analysis yet he still puts them on the INET Committee... WTFO???

What is "NEW" about this?

He should throw them both the f off the committee this morning if he isnt corrupt himself....

Matt Franko said...

15 "Take heed of those false prophets who are coming to you in the apparel of sheep, yet inside they are rapacious wolves." Mat 7:15

Tom Hickey said...

Matt, I am unaware of the power structure there, but you may recall that some time ago the MMT economists and financial professionals resigned from Roosevelt Institute over association with Pete Peterson and fiscal sustainability.

Upstanding people associated with INET should demand that R & R go or go themselves in protest over this very dark affair.

Tom Hickey said...

BTW, mainstream economists are rallying behind R & R's "innocent error," holding that the results are not substantially affected. So it is all the more important to demand honesty and accountability in the profession, which is already tainted with ethical issues due to conflicts of interest that the profession refuses to acknowledge, let alone address.

I've dismissed the "orthodox" economics profession as a whore house and den of thieves.

Matt Franko said...

You've got me convinced too Tom....

I'm trying to imagine another separate department within the academe that could take over all of these issues...

For instance instead on "an Economist" in this Department, there would be "Economic System Operations Analysts" or "Economic System Operations Researchers" or "Economic System Operations Specialists", etc...

More positive type language in the Titles, rather than "weather predictors" type of approach... they could monitor/model the key flows from the govt to non-govt sector, and intra-non-govt sector.... make sure flows were adequate and make near real time adjustments if necessary, etc...

R&R seem like "weather predictors" here in general... trying to "model" human actions... this does not make sense to me to approach our economic (house-law) system this way in the first place... we implement policy and changes result... this is not like "the weather"...


Tom Hickey said...

Matt, there is a new field called consciousness studies that is not only trans-disciplinary but also meta-disciplinary. This push began when it was realized that the issues are relevant to virtually all disciplines. It draws upon professionals from all areas of knowledge in the focus to understand consciousness as the the foundational factor.

We need a similar phenomenon in the area of social studies to focus on how individuals in groups act and can optimize action to scale.

A university should not be divided into departmental lines with little interaction among departments if the university model aims at being universal. Holism requires understanding, and appreciating the relationships among fields of knowledge and the disciplines involved. This is so obvious as to be trivial, but it is non-trivial because it is widely ignored, even through the "university" concept pays lip service to it.

Tom Hickey said...

Oops, should read "Holism requires understanding, investigating, and appreciating the relationships." In other words, theory, empirics, and their combination in conjunction with application. This requires not only quantitative but also qualitative approaches and methods.