Wednesday, May 15, 2013

beowulf — Cicadas are back and so is the debt ceilin

Legal issues pertaining to H.R. 807 the Full Faith and Credit Act just passed by the GOP-dominated US House of Representatives.

Monetary Realism
Cicadas are back and so is the debt ceiling


Ignacio said...

Is this drama going to happen every year from now? End it already, I beg you americans!

paul meli said...

Ignacio, probably 90% of us think we have to borrow to spend.

The only thing we want to end is spending. Lemmings.

The Rombach Report said...

Simple solution to defuse the debt ceiling time bomb is to have Treasury debt held by the Fed from QE asset purchases not apply to the debt ceiling. It's debt the government owes itself.

miller B said...

Is this drama going to happen every year from now?

only when a democrat is in the WH