Monday, May 20, 2013

In Case You Thought Intelligence Was Breaking Out - 17 Sovereigns Peg Their Currency to $US

Commentary by Roger Erickson

Rodger Mitchell draws attention to this lunacy in a very educational rant about rampant misunderstanding of the purpose of taxes in a fiat currency regime.

What Currencies Are Pegged to the Dollar?

The opening line reveals all. "The purpose of a currency peg is to facilitate international trade and foster economic growth."  NOT!

At this point, if you immediately ask why foster international trade, and exactly whose economic growth is being facilitated, by how much, then there's hope for the future of you, your family and your country.

If you DON'T ask those questions, and instead blithely accept the BIG BAMBOOZLE foisted by the large-merchant guild ... well, then you've already accepted defeat, before the 'education' and 'negotiations' even start! Outlandishly aggressive lies are the 1st rule of ruthless sales and con jobs.

If a Control Fraud asks for capitulation as a prerequisite to negotiations, and gets it, how can they lose, no matter where the subsequent 'negotiations' go? As always, a foolishly uninformed population and their options are soon parted.

We have work to do. The terms of our social contract absolutely have to be reset, because our own uber-merchant lobbies are asking for the capitulation and demise of whole nations - including ours - and, amazingly, we are agreeing, up front, to the terms of the surrender! As is, our current electorate wouldn't recognize PublicPurpose if it was handed to them by fiat! It wasn't always this way, in the US or other countries.

There's flat out no future for anyone if our current direction continues. We have to save our own Control Frauds from themselves, just like in 1932. I sincerely hope that YOU are up for this. The general welfare of the next 7 generations - including your grandchildren - depends on what happens within the next 2 years.

ps: The authors add to the confusion with the following line, revealing themselves as steeped in the innocent self-fraud of gold-std thinking. "The dollar became the world's reserve currency after WWII because represented the largest physical gold reserves."

Response: no, No a thousand times NO! Why did a collection of nations who had just - one and all - saved their economies by LEAVING the gold std, decide upon the sole remaining superpower economy's currency as the international trading standard? Economic power and guaranteed convertibility surely was an aspect. Static assets such as gold reserves were and remain irrelevant to countries on fiat currency regimes, backed ENTIRELY by the far more valuable dynamic assets of a people. Contrary to popular belief, the world did not return to a functional gold std after Breton Woods in 1944. Inter-gov exchange of $US for gold was requested by confused people from all the losing economies, but that does NOT a worldwide gold-std make. The 1st government to actually use the function significantly (France) was simply turned down (when Nixon & Connolly closed the gold window - showing equal ignorance about fiat currency operations.). None of that mattered in reality, only in the thinking of people who didn't understand the bigger options available to fiat currency issuers. The bigger issue - by far - was and remains rampant confusion and the Control Fraud it enhances, innocent or not.

Here's a modern day philosophy question. "If an entire sovereign nation bypasses it's rapidly expanding options, and there's no Control Frauds left to steal anything ... does it still let out a whimper as it dies?"

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