This is an important issue in that under neoliberalism free markets, free trade and free flow of capital are promoted but not free flow of labor. This is viewed as disadvantageous to labor.
However, within the US, there are free markets, free trade, free capital flow and free flow of labor among the sovereign states of the federation. This experiment has functioned reasonably well.
Now a similar experiment is underway in the EZ, with the flow of labor being prompted by economic necessity due to the crisis. Will the outcome be comparable to the US experience, since even though the case is similar, it is very different, too. The answer has consequences for globalization under a neoliberal model.
Coppola Comment
The zero-sum trade in people
Frances Coppola
She's in a bit of a muddle. See my comment after her post.
On the contrary. It is you who are in a muddle, as I have explained in my reply to you. You've completely missed the point - again.
Actually I do have data to back this up. Your remarks are not supported by the data. The evidence is that the people leaving are skilled, and they are leaving in search of higher wages and better opportunities.
Yes, My bad, looked at EU Stats. Data very much as you indicated. I was thinking of the charts of rate of change of income growth in EU countries. I had it all backwards. Sorry.
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