Lawyers for a Florida man this week cited President George W. Bush’s pre-emptive war in Iraq and the “Bush Doctrine” as a defense after their client killed two neighbors and attempted to kill a third on Labor Day. Florida Today reported on Wednesday…
Wasn't that Ariel Sharon's doctrine, before Bush learned it from him?
And the Iron Wall doctrine, before that?
The economic consequences of no peace?
2 eyes before an eye ... that's seeing compound interest?
I think that the stark lesson here is that people tend to imitate their leaders, beginning with their parents and then cultural and institutional leaders.
I used to introduce the intro philosophy course, which was really a course in critical and creative thinking, by saying, Now it is time for you to question what you have been told by your "parents, pope, and president," i.e., on attaining maturity is time to question authority imposed during the socialization and enculturation process of childhood and adolescence. Regrettably, many people don't make tis transition successfully and if the authority is bad, then they will emulate it unwittingly. Even when one is sufficiently mature to critique consciously, there is still the unconscious factor to deal with, and few are able to do so successfully.
"Florida man" may be an extreme example, but there are many others like we are also reading about. This leads me to think that there are a lot of less extreme cases out there.
Personality can be approached in terms of the major disorders. They are only diagnosed when they clearly affect the ability to cope. But almost everyone has tendencies toward some of the disorders and a trained eye is able to access which and how much influence there is. For example, it has already been widely noted that the US suffers from narcissistic neurosis collectively in that it is now embedded culturally and institutionally.
Or he and his lawyer are simply looking for a get of jail card.
a left Jeb, followed by a hard right?
doesn't matter, if they're all launched from a slow, weak platform :(
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