Sunday, September 8, 2013

Robert Nielsen — What Is Modern Monetary Theory?

The crisis has given rise to a range of new ideas and theories to replace the discredited view of the economy. The newest and most imaginative of these is known as Modern Monetary Theory (MMT) and is one of the first theories to owe its growth to the internet. Without a doubt MMT is radical and completely turns established economic thinking on its head. If it is correct then it would change the way we think about the economy forever....
Trying to understand Modern Monetary Theory is a bit like the first people trying to understand flying. No matter how many logical arguments are made, something in your gut tells you it can’t be true. How could an aeroplane possibly stay in the air despite weighing so much? How could it not crash despite going at such speed? Can we really trust the pilot not to make a mistake? How can the government print all the money it needs? Are taxes really that irrelevant in funding the government? Can we really trust the government not to mess up? In many ways MMT seems too good to be true. However, if it does work then it would be the miracle theory we have all been searching for. It’s so crazy, it might just work.
Robert Nielsen · Economics, Politics and Religion
What Is Modern Monetary Theory?
Robert Nielsen
(ht geerussell via email)

Some glaring errors in the representation of MMT, but Robert Nielsen is a student and just exposed to MMT, so cut him some slack if you comment over there.

1 comment:

Matt Franko said...

Interesting comments from several handles I do not recognize... I'm raising my current estimate to over 1,000 people on the planet that understand this... I'd say we are now at 1000-2000 people...
