Friday, September 6, 2013

Avoid Situations Where We're Stuck Between ISLMists & A MICC That Controls OUR Military!

Commentary by Roger Erickson

And our NSA and CIA. Yet it's those ISLMists* that we really need to weed out.

Bill Mitchell asks, "why don't we use it?"

By "we," he means sentient political economists.
By "it," he means our own, growing Public Initiative.

Yet our problem is that our rulers DO use it, and they are ISLMists! And the orthodox don't like heretics. Especially heretics that are right. And that are prone to pointing out that the emperors have no paradigm. We face an array of people, erstwhile friends & foes alike, who are NOT going to krug this off. There are egos involved, and they will burn this place to the ground rather than give up one iota of megalomania.

It's showtime at the Kabuki corral.

We 'da peeps, meanwhile, need to bypass all the sub-tasks, and focus on the simple question of where WE THE PEOPLE want to be. What is our Desired Outcome? Then we can simply get from here to there ... by ANY means necessary.

Let every profession find their own ways of altering their own textbooks. We need to keep our collective eyes on the biggest prize - where we are going, and why. Let the operations fall will they will ... ASAP.

The IS–LM model, or Hicks–Hansen model, is a piece of macroeconomic bullshit that imagines a non-existing relationship between interest rates and real output, in dynamic [i.e., NOT static] goods and services market and the money market (also known as the assets market). The intersection of the "investmentsaving" (IS) and "liquidity preferencemoney supply" (LM) curves is the imagined but non-existent "general equilibrium" where there is simultaneous equilibrium in both dynamic [i.e., NON static] markets.
  But ignore all reality, and imagine that obviously EVOLVING systems ARE in equilibrium. Then it's possible to try to practice orthodox macroeconomics on evolving cultures ... to their detriment. Suicide by any other name smells as much like cultural death. 

1 comment:

Roger Erickson said...

"The IS and LM curves are the equilibrium relationships pertaining, respectively, to the product (goods) market (investment = saving) and the money market (demand for money (liquidity preference) equals money supply)."

good lord!
this is feeble

No wonder Hicks abandoned it.

What the hell is up with Krugman? He's an incredibly dogmatic ISLMist.

Sounds like he never cracked open ANY book whatsoever, other than economic ideology texts.