Thursday, September 5, 2013

Yes, Sadly, It's Come To That: "Don’t Just Sit There, Bomb Something"

Commentary by Roger Erickson

Economic, industrial, fiscal and even monetary policy has come down to one, single moment of inertia, all channeled through ONE, POOR CHAP, getting mostly bad advice - by choice. If a US President only knew what all Americans know - we wouldn't have any Output Gap! Sadly, there's an elitist "court" of Presidential Advisers .... and you ain't in it! If you want anything, better lick Robert Rubin's boots.

As Steve Hansen often says. "This BS will keep working. Until it doesn't." Are you noticing, Middle Class America? Is it still working for you?

Hello? Anyone still IN the Middle Class?


Matt Franko said...

"If a US President only knew what all Americans know - we wouldn't have any Output Gap!"

Roger, there are only about 1,000 of us who have this knowledge...


Roger Erickson said...

Hey, that's what Bush Sr asked for. 1000 points of light.

Where are all the descendants and disciples of Marriner Eccles?

Matt Franko said...

Ha! 1,000 points of light! good one...

I liked your one from the other day: "panning for bold" ... LOL right this idiots instead think we are still on the 'gold standard' they are still literally "panning for gold..."

Roger I think Mitt Romney was one of Eccles descendants/relatives.... Mormon from Utah...


Roger Erickson said...

Eccles family must have made the fatal error of letting their kids drink the kool-aid?