Below is another example of a nation cutting off it's Middle Class to spite itself. WE have given Verizon a license to serve us. Define the terms of that license to serve OUR needs, or Verizon will define it to serve their needs, at our nation's net expense. Parasites, however, can't win by winning their way - only by winning together. As usual, we have to save ignorant, greedy people from themselves, by making them cooperate with us, in a more perfect union.
"Venimus, Vidimus, Perfecimus Eventus Accommodatos"*
What part of "we" don't these parasites understand? Who wants wanton? It may taste good at first, but it's an unhealthy soup. Some stuff ya gotta learn in school, rather than physically re-learning on your own. We don't have time for all new humans to re-learn everything from scratch. Cultures don't last if they repeatedly make grandchildren re-learn painful lessons that their grandparents learned the hard way, and their parents either forgot, or never learned at all. That's neglect, not progress.
Common Cause says: "Internet freedom is under attack. Verizon is using every trick in the book -- spending lots of money to elect friendly legislators, lobbying all over Washington, and bringing questionable lawsuits -- to challenge common sense open Internet "net neutrality" protections.
What's at stake? Open Internet rules prevent Internet service providers like Verizon from slowing down access to competitor sites. Without these rules, your cell phone company could block your favorite apps or hit you with a surcharge if you try to use them -- on the phone or tablet you paid for! And if Verizon wins, it also could charge customers special fees just to access popular sites like Facebook and Twitter.
Learn about Verizon’s agenda and what you can do to stop it in our new, interactive online comic: Big Deal, Big Money."

* i.e., We came, we saw, we made a more perfect union.
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