Tea party hero Ron Paul (R-TX) told residents of the former capital of the Confederacy on Monday that “nullification” would eventually have to be used to “ignore the feds” because President Barack Obama’s health care reform law. At a campaign…
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"Obamacare is a monster.” : false metaphor...
"the debunked “death panel” myth."
Sorry, they are NOT a myth:
These morons are trying to kill off our Seniors prematurely with all of this... what else are we fighting against?
Affordable Care Act is not socialism. Its is medical industrial complex fascism. Only real winners here will be health insurers and big pharma. The rollout of ACA has been a flop, tripping over its own ineptitude right out of the gate. The web site malfunction is probably the least of the worries for the Obama administration because its one thing to learn that your health care insurer or employer is dropping your plan, but it's quite another thing to learn that you are not going to be able to keep your Doctor. In another week or so the HHS says it will release data on the number of ACA enrollees, but it will be interesting to compare this number with the number of people who are losing their health insurance policies due to Obamacare.
Ron Paul was dead on in tapping in to public anger with ACA in campaigning for Ken Cuccinelli in Virgina which is why the contest was so close despite polls showing McAuliffe with a wide lead going into the election. If Cuccinelli had started exploiting this angle a week ago he would be governor now. In this context, nullification of ACA will happen to one degree or another from state to state not unlike nullification of federal prohibition on marijuana is happening. Best bet for the "Stupid Party" is to just sit back and let it happen. As Vladimir Illyich Lenin used to say when he was organizing the Bolsheviks to seize state power from the Tsar's regime.... "The worse the better!"
Think of what would happen if a Republican dominated Congress passed a law without one single Democratic vote requiring every American to buy a gun of a particular firepower, ammo clip and caliber for their protection or else face paying a fine.
Think of what would happen if a Republican dominated Congress passed a law without one single Democratic vote requiring every American to buy a gun of a particular firepower, ammo clip and caliber for their protection or else face paying a fine.
Ed, I don't consider that an apt comparison. The health care system is broken and the electorate want it fixed. That was a strong message in 2008. Obama hardly jammed through a Democratic plan over Republican objections. The plan originated with Heritage foundation and was originally a GOP plan. Eventually it was adopted in Massachusetts through the efforts of George Romney and turned out to be quite successful there. Obama had to sell the GOP plan to Democrats and naturally thought that the GOP would get behind their own plan as a victory for them. This was prior to the point at which it became clear that the GOP strategy for the entire terms of the Obama administration was to block anything Obama and the Democrats proposed.
There is also something of a Public Option within ACA. It is privatised PO tough, and i am not sure if it is state based or on national level.
There are cooperatives (or non-profit) insurers which formed by federal loans. That makes it strategicaly similar to the PO if there was one. Not bad. This provides for good competition with insurances for profit.
Tom - You're correct that ACA was originally a Heritage foundation GOP plan and then embraced by Mitt Romney. But it was a bad plan. Under the 10th amendment to the US Constitution.... The powers not delegated to the Untied States by the Constitution, nor prohibited by it to the States, are reserved to the States respectively or to the people. Romneycare, which was the precursor for Obamacare was at least Constitutional in this regard, but despite ratification by the Supreme Court ruling I still believe that ACA is unconstitutional. We are informed that healthcare.gov will be fully operational by November 30, so I guess that date is a new kind of red line for the Obama administration.
I'll debate the merits of a free market approach to healthcare reform all you want but wake me when ACA produces better results than even the non-free market managed care system we currently have. If I am proven wrong as ACA gets implemented then I will have egg on my face and plenty of explaining to do but don't make book on it.
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