Sunday, November 3, 2013

David Lightman — Poll: Non-Tea Party Republicans "are splitting from the GOP"

A new NBC News-Wall Street Journal poll sees some evidence. Here's the analysis from NBC's "First Read" Friday:
"Our NBC/WSJ poll has shown that fewer respondents are identifying as Republicans. So who is leaving? Well, one set of numbers give us a big clue."
In a three-way generic congressional race, a Democrat gets 35 percent. The Republican gets 28 percent, and the independent or third party hopeful gets 30 percent.
"You might think that it's Tea Party Republicans who are siding with the third party/independent candidate," the analysis says. "But you'd be wrong. The third party support is coming most from self-identified independents and non-Tea Party Republicans."
In other words, the poll finds, "it's the Non-Tea Party folks who are splitting from the GOP."
Poll: Non-Tea Party Republicans "are splitting from the GOP"
David Lightman

1 comment:

Ryan Harris said...

The Demo-Repubs will assemble focus groups and build a new, bold rhetoric to pull at the heart strings of every disaffected American well before the next election. Freedom and patriotism will guide us each back into the party corners before election, fear not partisan soldiers.

Too bad there isn't a third party waiting in the wings to have the voters but you can't be free with three.