Thursday, November 7, 2013

Propaganda Watch: Making the Case for Generational Equity

Chilling blog release that seeks to foment U.S. inter-generational resentment from the psychos at Fix the Debt here.
There’s been lots of talk about inequality as of late and rightly so. But generational equity is all too often not part of the conversation.  Our partners at The Can Kicks Back have been very busy as of late to change that. 
The Millennial-led group is spreading the word about how the economic gap between older and younger Americans has dramatically widened over the last 30 years and how government policies are broadening the divide. 
A growing share of the federal budget is being devoted to payments to older Americans, crowding out investments that could enhance the standard of living for future generations. 
Mounting national debt will increasingly burden younger generations. All this could lead Millennials to be the first generation of Americans to be worse off than the generations that preceded them.
Seems like what these disgraced human garbage cohort are up to is to perhaps judo any of the nascent justified youthful indignation and angst taking place in view of the unjust economic policies that they face  into an inter-generational resentment in order to help their political quest to deprive our most vulnerable senior citizens via their blood-thirsty proposals to cut "entitlements" so-called.

These disgraced morons are manifestly the current iteration of the most lowest and dangerously subtle form of God's human creation on the face of the earth.

That said, we can see here in this quote where they are being deceived, this is the tip-off:
A growing share of the federal budget is being devoted to payments to older Americans, crowding out investments...
They have obviously fallen for the "crowding out" falsehood, this could be a tip-off towards identifying the weak point in their armor.

This is how it looks to be working for them:  Start with the ex post economic accounting identity S=I, then be led to believe that it is somehow useful ex ante (by being made ignorant of the arrow of time) AND is hence causal.

IOW, "if you want to increase investment, you have to increase savings"; this is how they think our system "works"; it justifies QE; even Paul Krugman believes this btw and he isn't even with these human zombies. They among many others are ignorant of the truth of "loans create deposits" and think banks "lend out the deposits".  Again they are not the only ones caught up in this falsehood.

Then, continue to be deceived that non-government sector surplus USD balances used to purchase US Treasury securities do not constitute "savings", but are rather "a loan" from the non-govt to the govt that has to be "paid back" someday, like an amortizing loan; completely false.

While the truth is the savings is actually there, it is just not in a bank account it resides in a US Treasury securities account.  These USD balances in the Treasury securities account in reality are just another form of USD non-govt savings which ironically at the same time these govt-debt-phobes seem to be seeking the establishment of.  They are massive hypocrites and stupid.

All of the people at this moron factory are big advocates of "investment" (as are WE btw) and I believe are ignorantly pursuing, in what I'm sure they consider a "good faith" approach, a plan to head off what they see as a future problem with the level of US Treasury securities issuance, but they are morons (I'm sorry!) who are existing in an entirely false view of our nation's economic system.

They can even agree that "there is not a solvency issue" as both Walker told Mike and Greenspan told Ryan; while being in all of the above falsehoods I have identified.  If you think about it there is no logical contradiction to their thinking that there is no solvency issue while S=I.  They are not vulnerable on 'solvency' we should not target that.

They completely understand that govt can always "credit a bank account" BUT, they think if these credits are just immediately transferred into a US Treasury securities account, that will make those USD savings somehow "unavailable" for investment; indeed these USD balances placed in govt securities accounts will, to them, actually prevent investment.

What is their weak link here?  Which falsehood is the keystone in their arch-bridge over to the stupid?  Granted these disgraced idiots are caught up in many!

What is the point of most vulnerability for them?

I assert it is their S=I falsehood which is their foundational falsehood upon which all of their stupidity is built.

Destroy their S=I, destroy them imo.


mike norman said...

Meanwhile, it is the very policies they are pushing--austerity, debt reduction, etc--that has led to the decline in needed investment and the expansion of state support for the elderly, needy, unemployed. They surely know this, however, by deceptively masquerading their depraved wealth grab they have been able to brainwash people into believing we need more of what they are selling.

Matt Franko said...


"that is a sacrifice they are willing to make for the good of the nation"....


"surely they know this" I'm sorry I do not think that they actually do... this is the big problem imo...


mike norman said...

Matt, they know that austerity creates unemployment, weak growth, recessions, etc. They don't care.

The Just Gatekeeper said...

Ugh this dumbass Can Kicks Back group has really ramped it up recently. It is a truly pathetic showing of corporate shills and carelessly ambitious DC ladder climbers.

The so called "leader" of the group is a recent Georgetown grad who clearly cares more about gaining notoriety than being right on policy...pathetic. Even worse, they take advantage of the legitimate fear and confusion of young people to try to turn them against the welfare state. We need to keep an eye on these assholes and engage them at every opportunity. Peterson and his ilk have been utter failures so far, and I think we can keep it that way.

Matt Franko said...

Good insight Justin...

These young people being targeted by these Peterson people sound like your generation...

Its pure 'astro turf" imo...


Tom Hickey said...

They think that young people these days are dumber than they are. That might have worked before the Internet and social media, but now it's fat wrinkled face old white men trying to tell the kids how the world works — not.

The young know where the money is going and so do the boomers. Eventually, taxes are going up on the rich unless MMT gets traction. It may take an election cycle or two, but it's in the card. If not, there will be massive civil disobedience.

The "kids" have already figured out that civil disobedience and oblique confrontation is the only way to fight TPTB and their mercenaries. That won't be pretty, and if the TPTB react strongly it would end the US a legitimate global power.

Chomsky is already out with a post condemning the US as rogue state, and he cites growing global opinion to that effect. Neoliberalism is essentially fascism at its core and it is bent on global hegemony. This is becoming more and more obvious at every level.

Charles DuBois said...

Yes, the "misunderstanding" (I will
be polite) is that since Savings
equals Investment then:

Investment = Private Savings plus
Public Savings

So it is "obvious" to most (including most economists)that a decrease in public savings (a higher deficit) decreases investment.

But, of course, the critical missing insight is that a decrease in public savings increases private savings and therefore there is no negative impact on investment from a higher public

Andy Blatchford said...

For anyone who wants to join in on twitter v @theCanKicksBack & @fixthedebt more the merrier.