Monday, November 4, 2013

We Need A "Defense_Against_Our_Own_Dis-Organization" Plan?

   (Commentary by Roger Erickson)

Really? Instead, how about a plan to protect grandchildren from having to re-learn tough lessons their grandparents learned the hard way, and their parents either forgot, or never learned?*

Is there an entry for that in ANYONE's economic ideology equations?

I thought not.

We need an Index Fund that allows citizens to invest in Democracy, and common sense, by exploring workable operations with a completely open mind.

The ideology we can discuss each evening, over whatever your particular ideology allows.

As an example, here are some suggested Criteria of a Sensible Grand Strategy.

* call it a Dumb-ass-selves Defense Planor just the Our_Own_Mistakes Defense Plan. No Asteroids required.


Matt Franko said...

Here's the EU people's take on the recent asteroid that hit Russia:

Looks like it may have been electrically charged and exploded high in the atmosphere.... perhaps a sudden discharge to ground...


Roger Erickson said...

What about the many descriptions of the fraud ball coughed up by Control Frauds? You know, the one that hit the USA in 2008?

Best way to survive future challenges is to first stop giving ourselves fraud balls to cough up?