Martin Scorcese’s new film, The Wolf of Wall Street, depicts a culture of hyper-masculinity and emotional immaturity, as Leonardo DiCaprio’s character, Jordan Belfort, parties hard and cuts shady deals in a drug-induced haze. A report by Max Abelson…
It always seemed to me that many fraternities were basically corporate breeding grounds. Similar ideology- conspicuous consumption, hyper masculinity, denigration of outsiders, adherence to meaningless rituals and symbols, etc.
The shaming of newcomers helps to instill psychological attachment to the organization. And from what I've heard from friends, the Wall St culture is similar- new hires are expected to work obscene hours and drink with their higher-ups.
Mike said he was having trouble getting in to see it in NY not surprising.... if he gets in hopefully he will write it up.... I think The Hobbit was beating it...
Hopefully they lose their ass on it imo.. I'll laugh...
Go see "American Hustle" instead.
If a movie is good, it should make money. Don't shoot the messenger!
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