Friday, February 7, 2014

Jon Perr — Spending Down, Deficits Halved and Public Sector Smaller Since Obama Took Office

And this is the reason the recovery is so weak and fragile.

Spending Down, Deficits Halved and Public Sector Smaller Since Obama Took Office
Jon Perr

1 comment:

googleheim said...

Can Mosler Norman or anyone make a graph showing deficit levels and shade in grey the US recessions and slow growth "almost" recessions ?
Or a black line for deficit and entire board colored vertically from red/recession to yellow/slow-growth to green/high-growth instead of grey vertical bars for recessions.

This would be the definitive MMT graph for showing how government spending generates growth.

Make a green line for savings, purple for credit expansion, blue line for relative strength of dollar... etc

Can anyone Tom or Matt ask Mosler or Norman to generate?