Friday, March 14, 2014

Automation at Tesla

Interesting video of the Tesla manufacturing operations below.  There are still many people working there although there is much automation for sure.

Related, Dan has a nice piece up at RE here examining the longer term effects of automation/robotics on work forces.

Automation doesn't have to result in some sort of Hollywood movie version of a dystopian future and it may not even work that way to begin with as Dan makes the point that we have been doing this ever since the creation of the surplus society.

We just need to make sure that we staff our positions of fiscal authority with people who understand that it is their responsibility to provide sufficient balances of state currency to result in adequate settlements for whatever "work" we partake of in the future, not like the libertarian idiots we have in there now who think this is just going to happen "naturally" or "on its own" in Darwinian fashion or something.


mike norman said...

"We just need to make sure that we staff our positions of fiscal authority with people who understand that it is their responsibility to provide sufficient balances of state currency..."

Good luck with that!

Matt Franko said...

right Mike, as there are only like 1,000 to maybe 2,000 of us out of 7B humans who currently qualify!

The Just Gatekeeper said...

Holy cow, what a magnificent operation. These people are on the cutting edge, but Washington can't even figure out 80 year old currency operations....pathetic.

The whole time watching this video, I'm thinking this has got to be an inflation killer. Those robots can produce 24/7, and are never going to demand a raise. Of course, this should mean that we could all be working less, but clearly the opposite has happened.

googleheim said...

invest in the mfg of the robots ?

I hope nobody drives one of those tin cans in a flood and gets sticker shock !!!

get it ?

anyway, I have seen the shells of these at the local mall store of Tesla ...

and the skins of these cars are made from recycled tomato and pepsi cans

very flimsy and very dingy when you pluck with your finger