Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Big time financial fraudsters going to jail!

No it's not Jamie Dimon or Lloyd Blankfein or anyone from Bank of America or HSBC. It's Real Housewives' stars Joe and Theresa Giudice. The both took a plea and one of them (probably Joe) will be spending the next 3-4 years in jail.

For fraud.

Now please square that in your head against the massive, decade-long (or longer) frauds, money laundering and illegal market manipulations of the major banks--WHO ADMITTED TO THESE THINGS.

Not a single banker is going to jail, but a couple of two-bit reality TV stars? Yep, they're getting locked up.

Shows you how corrupt (and bought) the system is.


Tom Hickey said...

Martha Stewart.

mike norman said...

Hahaha. Ya!

Unknown said...

The DOJ / SEC et al only select what they view to be "bleeders" to prosecute.

Those are the ones that have a serious degree of curb appeal, while not possessing the required resources to make a serious defence.

Just enough to garner the headlines to present the impression that laws are being enforced and that the "bad guys" are being shut down.

It's America, perception trumps reality !

Tom Hickey said...

In America, perception is reality. It's a celebrity culture. That's another reason that the DOJ goes after celebrities to make a splash and look like it is on top of things.

Just more manipulation and propaganda in the service of the neoliberal elite, in this case the bankers, "that run the place," as Sen. Dick Durbin said in disgust.