Monday, March 17, 2014

FDR — Second Bill of Rights


Dan Lynch said...

That video is worth watching once in a while just to maintain your sanity.

There was an attempt to legislate the right to a job in 1945, mandating Abba Lerner style functional finance budgeting to maintain full employment, but the bill was eventually watered down to the point of being useless.

Ryan Harris said...

What planet is FDR from? The government can't afford those sorts of policies, Really Jobs? Fair Markets? adequate demand, enough money for food, housing and recreation? The contrast to today's Democrat couldn't be more stark.

Now the social contract Democrats promise, is that if you spend five years in post secondary STEM education, you won't be impoverished. If you spend ten years in post secondary education you can be in the middle class. To everyone else, their just desserts.