Wednesday, March 12, 2014

Jon Perr — For Obama, Chickens Come Home to Roost on Bush Torture Program

George W. Bush and Dick Cheney must be laughing their asses off. President Obama has a budding constitutional crisis on his hands, with a leading Senate Democrat accusing Obama's CIA director of spying on Intelligence Committee staff. But at the heart of the issue is a still-classified, 6,000 page report said to catalog abuses and deceptions perpetrated by the Central Intelligence Agency as part of President Bush's program of so-called "enhanced interrogation techniques." Which means that five years after he put an end to Bush's regime of detainee torture, Barack Obama is facing the blowback from his decision to leave its architects unpunished.

It's impossible that President Obama actually put an end to Bush's regime of detainee torture other than in PR if he has seen to it that no one is punished. That just means that the reign of torture goes back underground where it had been for decades. Now it not politically correct to publicize it anymore. Have the CIA and related sub rosa services running black ops been reined in? No way. And it is President Obama's responsibility.

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