Sunday, March 2, 2014

Salon — Kerry: Western powers are prepared to sanction Russia for its “incredible act of aggression”

Western powers are prepared “to go to the hilt” to isolate Russia for its military incursion into Ukraine, “an incredible act of aggression” that may lead to visa bans, asset freezes, trade and investment penalties, and a boycott of a Russian-hosted economic summit of global powers in June, Secretary of State John Kerry said Sunday....

Kerry also mentioned visa bans, the freezing of Russian assets, trade and investment penalties. He suggested American companies “may well want to start thinking twice about whether they want to do business with a country that behaves like this.”

Looks like the Cold War is on again and a renewed arms race won't be far behind.


Matt Franko said...

Here is a background on these barbarian tatars:

"As various of these nomadic groups became part of Genghis Khan's army in the early 13th century, a fusion of Mongol and Turkic elements took place, and the invaders of Rus and the Pannonian Basin became known to Europeans as Tatars or Tartars (see Tatar yoke).[13] After the breakup of the Mongol Empire, the Tatars became especially identified with the western part of the empire, known as the Golden Horde"

So here you have a blue-eyed European (Putin) go in there to protect ethnic Europeans from these barbarians and this moron Kerry has a problem with this????

Remember the swift-boater Kerry: " like Ghengis Kahn...." or whatever from his Viet Nam testimony now here Putin goes in here to protect ethnic Europeans from LITERALLY the f**king descendants of Ghengis Kahn and he has his panties all in a twist...

Get me out of here!!!!!

Peter Pan said...

More background:

googleheim said...

Who is "he" matt?
Who in modern terms r the tatyer tots and who is the ethnuc ones?