An economics, investment, trading and policy blog with a focus on Modern Monetary Theory (MMT). We seek the truth, avoid the mainstream and are virulently anti-neoliberalism.
Home, Plato, Bible, Shakespeare,Cervantes--there is nothing of real importance about human nature that hasn't always been known. What we have today is that people are so stupid, "cleverly stupid", if you like, that they need a "For Dummies" guide to even the simplest things, and when any intellectual pygmy can pontificate on the obvious and be considered an "intellectual." But of course, we live in an age where idiot-savant anomalies like Bertrand Russell or Stephen Hawking can get away with the most transcendentally moronic ideas.
Explains a lot. :~/
People will do anything in their power to avoid thinking?
That's an old observation, going back at least two generations before Louis Agassiz.
Don't know how much earlier.
Home, Plato, Bible, Shakespeare,Cervantes--there is nothing of real importance about human nature that hasn't always been known. What we have today is that people are so stupid, "cleverly stupid", if you like, that they need a "For Dummies" guide to even the simplest things, and when any intellectual pygmy can pontificate on the obvious and be considered an "intellectual." But of course, we live in an age where idiot-savant anomalies like Bertrand Russell or Stephen Hawking can get away with the most transcendentally moronic ideas.
Mike, Roger, Tom--for pete's sake, can you put a simple edit function for this blog? It's not hard, and it is very convenient.
Blogger doesn't allow for much control other than minimal layout.
Sorry, I overlooked that fact about Blogger.
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