Wednesday, May 21, 2014

Dave Johnson — Full Employment: First Principle Of New Populism

We Demand Full Employment 
The New Populism Conference on Thursday will demand full employment as the first principle of the new populism.

We demand full employment! Full employment means there is a job for everyone who wants a job. There is simply no reason whatsoever that we can't have full employment – except for policies that are intentionally keeping us from having full employment.

We demand full employment! Why isn't our government stepping up and just hiring all of the people who need jobs? It's not as if there are not enough things that need to be done. Our infrastructure is in serious need of repair. We need to retrofit millions of buildings and homes in the country to be energy efficient. We need to build a modern energy grid to bring energy from wind farms that we need to build in the plains states (where the wind is) to the cities and industrial centers (where the need is). We need to cut the number of children per classroom in half. We need to do ... so many things.Why isn't our government the employer of last resort, just hiring people to do those things we need done – in the middle of an employment emergency?

We demand full employment! Unemployment is a human and economic catastrophe. There are so many things our government could do besides direct hiring (which they should be doing). Our government could fix our job-sucking trade deals and balance the trade budget. Our government could demand that corporations return the trillions of dollars they are holding outside of the country to avoid paying the taxes due on that money. That's a double whammy; take away the huge incentive to move jobs out of the country because of the tax break – and use the money they already owe to just hire millions of people!
Crooks & Liars
Full Employment: First Principle Of New Populism
Dave Johnson


Anonymous said...

It's a decent start.

Anonymous said...
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