Monday, May 26, 2014

Dirk Ehnts — Piketty: Financial Times using double standards?

I was a bit amazed to see the FT claiming that Thomas Piketty’s findings are ‘undercut by errors’. Paul Krugman defended him, and Piketty has hit back at the FT claiming that they are ‘dishonest’, as The Guardian reports. What surprises me most is that the FT attacks the claim that inequality has increased when it is quite obvious. Even the FT has featured book reviews which have the increase in inequality as the major topic. In November 2012, they features are review on a book by Chrystia Freeland named ‘Plutocrats: the rise of the New Global Super-Rich’. Freeland is a former deputy editor of the FT, and you can imagine what she was writing about....
econoblog 101
Piketty: Financial Times using double standards?
Dirk Ehnts | Berlin School for Economics and Law

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