Thursday, May 22, 2014

John White — Keynes for Kids

Making macro fun.

Keynes for Kids
John White
(h/t Barry Ritholz at The Big Picture)


googleheim said...


Take a more zen approach to this blog ...

namely that we cannot cling to idioms and ideas that the "west" is this and the "east" is that.

Putin is being the ultimate oligarch and western capitalism is being pigeon holed.

MMT is from the West, so MMT should stand up and not take sides and rely upon taken and marking out "sides" when such sides don't exist in the child's original face.

ahhhhh gwasss hoppper

Bob Roddis said...

A complete distortion of Say's Law and a complete ommission of Austrian theory in the "discredited economic theory playing cards".

Shouldn't lying to kids be a crime?