Sunday, May 18, 2014

Steve Roth — Eighty percent of current jobs may be replaced by automation in the next several decades

That’s the conclusion of Stuart W. Elliott in his recent paper, “Anticipating a Luddite Revival.” (Hat tip: RobotEconomics.)

We’ve seen that scale of transformation before [in the transition from the Agricultural Age to the Industrial Age]. But this one promises to be roughly four times as fast, dwarfing Luddite-era concerns:
Eighty percent of current jobs may be replaced by automation in the next several decades
Steve Roth

1 comment:

Roger Erickson said...

So what?

Ancient skills have also disappeared - since the time of ubiquitous stone knapping & fire-starting with rubbed stick.

The only interesting question is setting new aggregate goals fast enough to utilize newly available labor.

We either sit idly on the static returns from past fiat, or pursue the return on newly possible levels of coordination.