Monday, May 19, 2014

The Law of INEFFECTIVE Aggregate Finance?

   (Commentary posted by Roger Erickson.)

Gordon Chang of Forbes writes about India:
The 'giant sucking sound' you will soon hear is money, once headed for China’s shores, on its way to India's instead.

The sad part of this is a billion people in India, sitting idly by as they wait for some other population's fiat currency to arrive in their pockets (along with effective ownership)

This reminds me of the so-called Law of Effective Employment, which I'll restate as the Law of INEFFECTIVE Aggregate Finance.

"The person who know HOW will always have some currency, and the person who knows WHY will always effectively own them, by controlling the currency supply."

Have Fiat .... Won't Use It


Matt Franko said...

"India is going to get all the money now!"

"All the money is going to go to India!"


Irnakluk said...

"The sad part of this is a billion people in India, sitting idly by as they wait for some other population's fiat currency to arrive in their pockets (along with effective ownership)

Very well said....

The trinity of Brahma, Vishnu, Shiva were pleased with Kulkarni Uppa of Pune for his deep meditation and penance of the sins committed.

They said we grant you four wishes.

Kulkarni Uppa was very very clever, perhaps more clever than his own good.

He said, "Grant me huge piece of land"
Granted the Holy Trinity said in unison.

Grant me eternal food all my countrymen
Granted said the holy Trinity said in unison and granted him Kamadhenu the cow of plenty.

Grant me the best of factories & software companies so that we supply to the world
Granted said the holy Trinity

The Trinity were wonder struck by the sagacity and farsightedness of Kulkarni Uppa.

Do you want the fourth wish they asked him puzzled, since he had been granted everything.

Yes yes my Lords Kulkarni Uppa hastened to add, now give an owner for my 1.3 billion people.

" Iranakluk" The Vedic Astrologer