Over at C4SS I’ve posted the abstract to a paper on Left-Libertarianism: Its Past, Its Present, Its Prospects that I’ll be presenting at theMANCEPT 2014 Workshop on the Current State of Libertarian Philosophy in Manchester UK in September.
As it happens, Kevin Carson has a more detailed post up on the same topic: What Is Left-Libertarianism?
Bleeding Heart Libertarians
Whose Left? Which Libertarianism?
Roderick Long
C4SS: "Center for a Stateless Society"
This is revealing: "among the cool people in the corridors of counterpower!"
This jives with what I see as their confusion between "power" and "authority" ...
what I think is happening is that they are blind to "authority" so they are just putting "power" in the void here and then it becomes a libertarian civil war between the different sects of libertarians back and forth at each other...
You will often see libertarians claim they are "anti-authority" as well so they are using the English terms "power" and "authority" inter-changeably...
This is revealing also: "Libertarians — often by our own fault — have been dismissed by many as “pot-smoking Republicans,” adhering to an insular ideology mainly of white middle-class males in Silicon Valley startups."
Right, this is where you see the left libertarians associated with drugs and the right libertarians associated with metals...
So what we dont know is if the effects of the drugs and/or metals make them libertarians, OR if they are libertarians FIRST and this then makes them susceptible to drugs and the metals where the drugs and metals become like a "co-indicator"...
hard to tell at this point but I am leaning towards these materials being "co-indicators" and they are libertarians first and foremost then they become susceptible to these earthly elements.
But in any case all these posts to me just look like they are documenting your typical libertarian chaos-fests... pretty frustrating....
Or maybe someone has trouble recognising a joke?
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