Monday, August 4, 2014

Jon Perr — The Law President Obama Did Not Faithfully Execute

In February 2010, Scott Horton pointed out that the while legal action against members of the Bush Torture Team would be an extremely difficult task, in this case the prosecutors would have one major piece of evidence in their favor: 
Section 2340A of the federal criminal code makes it an offense to torture or to conspire to torture. Violators are subject to jail terms or to death in appropriate cases, as where death results from the application of torture techniques. Prosecutors have argued that a criminal investigation into torture undertaken with the direction of the Bush White House would raise complex legal issues, and proof would be difficult. But what about cases in which an instigator openly and notoriously brags about his role in torture? 
To be sure, Bush and Cheney proudly owned up to their roles in creating the regime of detainee torture they described as "enhanced interrogation techniques."
It's called thumbing your nose at the world. They all belong in a dock at The Hague. America will not be redeemed until these people are brought to justice, or if they die first be labeled for the criminals they admitted to being, in defiance of the law of the land they took an oath to uphold. Until then the US has no moral standing in the world. None. Zip. Zero.


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