Tuesday, August 19, 2014

Please follow and support a new MMT show "Real Fiscal Responsiblity"

My fellow DC-area MMTers, Joe Firestone and Alice Marshall, along with blogger Lambert Strether, are planning on starting a new TV series about MMT, called "Real Fiscal Responsibility:"


According to their site:

"We seek funding for a pilot project for a new radio/video series that will present, and advocate for this paradigm change. The project will create six shows that we will then use to get the series picked up by an existing cable network. Our proposed Radio/Video program is about presenting the paradigm of RealFiscal Responsibility to the general public. It will explain all facets of the new paradigm through interviews and discussions with the main thinkers in Modern Money Theory and other post-Keynesian approaches who have developed aspects of the new approach. Our goal for this pilot project is to raise $30,000 to create the six programs. Please help us to meet this goal. If we can do it and then get the program picked up, our voice may be the decisive one in defeating the austerians and their policies, and in opening the  way to create the America of economic opportunity and social justice we all long for."

I invite you to check out this new project, and help if you think you can, especially by spreading the word as far/wide as possible on blogs and social media.  While it still may be a long way off, these types of projects are exactly what we need if we ever want to break MMT into the mainstream. I'm excited to see what they can come up with!

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