Sunday, September 14, 2014

Alex Rosenberg — Paul Krugman’s Philosophy Of Economics, And What It Should Be

The trouble is that Krugman’s positive picture of how economics as its best is done undermines his substantive economic arguments. It provides just what is needed by those who dissent from his analysis of the economy and reject the policies he advocates to End This Depression Now (as his latest book is titled). Chicago school “extremists,” freshwater ideologues, and other free-market fundamentalists can help themselves to Krugman’s methodology to defend the substance of their disagreements with him. This raises the question of what should Krugman’s philosophy of economics should really be?
3:am Magazine
Alex Rosenberg | R. Taylor Cole Professor of Philosophy, chair of the philosophy department at Duke University, and the author of Economics — Mathematical Politics or Science of Diminishing Returns.

1 comment:

Bob Roddis said...

Chicago School types believe in government funny money and thus cannot be defined as "free market fundamentalists".